Pastor’s Corner

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We live in a society where we have platform after platform to voice our opinions and “speak what is on our mind.” But may I remind you Christian that we will be held accountable by God for not just every word we speak, but every word we type!
I especially want to caution those who have been called into ministry. While God may have called you into ministry, we appointed ourselves to create an account. Our social media accounts (and this is for all Christians) ought to be leading people to Christ and not you! It ought to be glorifying him. Consecration matters and is equally as important behind the keyboard of your phone and computer as it is your microphone to sing and preach.
If you have been called to influence people through singing, music, teaching, preaching and many other forms, you will be held to a higher standard. Teaching and preaching is a highly responsible work. We are held to strict standards and no one is perfectly qualified. Truth be told we get it wrong more times than right. Therefore, be slow to speak and quick to listen. He’ll not just tell you what to say, but even what to type!
James 1:19 - “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”
James 3:1 - “My brethren, be not many teachers, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.”

On the Cross,
Jesus said, "I thirst", so that we would never have to thirst again. On the cross, Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" so that we would never have to experience eternal separation from the Father. On the cross, Jesus cried, “It is finished!" so that we can forever trust that our debt has been paid in full and the power of sin FOREVER destroyed.

🎶🎤Let there be glory and honour and praises,
Glory and honour to Jesus!
Glory, Honor
Glory and honor to him! 🎶🎤🩸

Revelation 5:13 - “And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.”

WAIT — that four letter word we have all come to hate. Believing God is never as easy to do as it sounds. God can give us a promise; reveal his plans for us and initially there is extreme excitement. There is no doubt, no fear, no hesitation at all to believe we’ve heard from the Lord and that we will receive it. But then comes the next phase of which most of the time, if we are being honest, we fail and fail miserably at. Because it didn’t happen right then; because it hasn’t happened in a few days, the promise that God whispered into your ear begins to be overtaken by doubt and fear. We may even feel like we need to “help God out” in bringing about the promises he’s made us, but I promise you he is capable of accomplishing it all by himself and needs no effort from you and I in doing it. Our efforts of “helping him out” will only delay what he’s promised to deliver.
What he needs us to do is wait and wait patiently. Waiting is nothing that comes naturally, but with faith in Christ and what he’s done, the Holy Spirit can develop patience in us to wait on God to do what he said he would do. He will renew your strength and keep you from growing weary and falling into the trap and lie of Satan that it will never come to pass. Understand child of God, everything that he has ever spoken has come to pass and what he has spoken to you will come to pass as well!
Psalms 27:14 - “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord.”

The guidance of God’s word should be constantly depended upon by the Christian. When questions arise, doubt and confusion rattled the mind, that’s when there needs to be a return to the word of God which brings comfort and direction. His word is reliable and will guide you through every issue of life. It is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the Devil; when he was sorely oppressed by the enemy, he didn’t perform great signs and wonders and change the weather and bring fire from heaven, but rather he leaned and depended upon the word of God quoting Deuteronomy three times and it was ENOUGH to cause Satan to flee.
Oftentimes, we feel great miracles and signs need to be performed by God and change be brought to our position to handle our problem. His word is enough for you child of God! Consume it; digest it; meditate upon it; delight yourself in it; depend upon it because it is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword. When his word becomes enough for you, you’ll see it settle your mind, guide your path, and bring comfort to your heart for every situation.
Only the Lord will give you something and then explain it to you later, but consequently, it is our job after we come to the saving knowledge of Christ, to learn about what he has accomplished for us. Immediately after the call to come to him and receive rest he says learn of me. Not only are we to learn of him regarding his person and nature, but learn of what he has accomplished for us. This is vital because without knowledge, people perish and Satan pushes hard against God’s people coming into the truth because knowing the truth will make one free.
At Calvary, Jesus atoned for all sin. At Calvary, he overcome all powers of darkness, he spoiled principalities, and he made a show of them openly. He’s already done the work you need done in your life 2,000 years ago. He’s already won the victory over your sin! He’s already defeated your adversary the Devil who walks about seeking whom he may devour. And the Devil already knows what he don’t want you to know-HE IS DEFEATED! Christ doesn’t have to do it-he’s already done it and now you just need to receive it. That’s what you need to know and when coupled with simple childlike faith, it will make this truth a reality in your life!

The true desire of any born-again Believer is to grow in grace; to be maturing in the Lord; to become more like Christ. Oftentimes, we liken our maturity and growth in the Lord to our knowledge of the word, but the real INDICATOR of true growth in the Lord is our expression of love toward one another. When you move from that “fake it til you make it” love to true genuine love for one another in the body of Christ and also for those in the world, that is the sign to ALL men that we are truly Christ’s disciples and that we are growing in grace.
It’s impossible for the flesh to fulfill this, but with God all things are possible-even loving those who have wronged you or hurt you. The power of God’s spirit can bring about a knitting of love in our hearts for others like we’ve never known before that we can never produce. And through dependence upon Christ and his finished work can this be produced in us and help us to fulfill the new commandment given to us as New Covenant Believers by our Master and Savior who exemplified it perfectly-love one another as I have loved you.
John 13:34-35 — “A new commandment I give unto you, that you love on another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.”

All individuals who have surrendered their heart and said yes to Jesus have a testimony. The details of what God has brought each believing sinner out of may vary, but the commonality is that He brought us out from the rule and reign of sin.  We must certainly go and tell; we must certainly go and preach the Word; we must certainly go and deliver the good news, for without it, how will they hear?  But as Believers, we need to understand that part of our testimony is not just in what we say, but it’s HOW WE LIVE!

Jesus said we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. As those who have professed Christ, understand the world is watching.  We have been set apart by God (who desires to live in us) for the purpose of being that witness to a lost and dying world of what the gospel can do to a heart and life that will dare to believe.  But if our life is not conducive to what we profess, what we say will have little to no effect upon others.  So, your testimony most certainly matters of what Jesus did for you, but how you live and conduct yourself on a daily basis equally matters. If we want to live correctly, it starts with us believing correctly. When faith is properly anchored and dependence is in Christ and his redemptive work, God’s response is and will always be Grace which is what we must have to empower us to live godly in a world that is lost and dying!

1 Peter 2:9 - “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

When it came time for the children of Israel to finally cross over into the promised land God has promised them, he gave them two specific instructions. Follow the ark carried by the priests and to consecrate themselves and for their obedience the Lord would do wonders among them. The ark is a type of the presence of God of which we are to follow after who alone leads us into all truth and brings to us all the benefits that Calvary made possible. But the church while focusing and desirous of the “wonders” forgets the second part which is equally important and that is consecrate yourself to the Lord. Unfortunately that is missing in the church today, nevertheless it is a requirement of the Lord if we desire to see a move of his spirit in our own lives and one that we desperately need in the body of Christ today. Many associate the call to consecration; to holiness and righteousness as legalism, but for those who are in love with their Lord, it is a joy and a delight! It’s time we come out from among the world and be separate with our faith securely in Christ and what’s he done and the promise is he will do WONDERS among us!

Understand that every need that you have today or in fact you will ever have has already been taken care of by God through Christ and his finished work. 2,000 years ago he paid the price; he performed the work needed so that you can receive from God the supply of your need.
Man’s greatest need was the deliverance of sin, but before it was ever a need, God had already provided the solution. Revelation 13:8 tells us that the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. That means that God provided an answer for sin before the problem of sin ever existed. If he did that, then HOW MUCH MORE has he already met our temporal needs before we ever have them! No matter what your need is today, whether it’s emotional, spiritual, physical, or financial, in Christ Jesus that need has ALREADY been met. It’s already been taken care of through the work he did at Calvary. If he gave his son for your greatest need which was the freedom from sin’s penalty and power, then just know that he’ll provide you with everything that you need pertaining to this life because that is who he is to his children, Jehovah Jireh our Provider.
So, go ahead child of God who has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and lift up your head with boldness and confidence and declare today My God shall supply all of my need!
Revelation 13:8- "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

Peace…what every individual craves and desires! It is that special feeling of well-being that comes when everything is going right. But we know, that in this life, that is almost a rarity because of attacks of the enemies and the trials of life that we have to embrace. Yet, for the truly born-again Believer, it is something possible to possess and maintain irrespective of what one may be going through. There is a peace that can OVERRIDE every attack of the enemy and every sudden appearance of fear. This peace can only be supplied by Christ, and it comes to those who have anchored their faith in what he has done.

But if we are not careful, this peace that has been supplied to us by Christ can be robbed from us by taking our eyes off him and allowing our minds to be focused on the problem at hand rather than focusing on the one who holds our world in his hands. When our mind is stayed on him, we escape the torment and anxiety that breeds confusion and pain and instead his sweet peace that passes all understanding will sweep over the soul and keep your mind all while he works everything out for your good. Keep your mind on the one who has promised to perfect those things that concern you and during the time you are waiting for him to do it, he will keep you in perfect peace.
Isaiah 26:3 - “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you.”